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Top 5 Myths About Dry Cleaning Debunked 

Dry cleaning has been around for decades, yet many misconceptions about the process persist. These myths often lead to confusion and deter people from using this highly effective cleaning method. Let’s uncover the truth behind the top five myths about dry cleaning and set the record straight.

Myth 1:...

27.12.24 07:05 AM - Comment(s)
The Environmental Benefits of Switching to 

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the environmental impact of traditional dry cleaning methods. The shift toward organic dry cleaning is not only a trend but also a necessity for safeguarding our planet. Organic dry cleaning offers numerous benefits, including reduced chemica...

27.12.24 06:51 AM - Comment(s)

Organic dry cleaning is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional dry cleaning methods, which often rely on harsh chemicals. This process utilizes natural ingredients and techniques that are safer for both health and the environment.

Benefits of Organic Dry Cleaning
Healthier for Consume...

20.11.24 06:34 AM - Comment(s)
What are the most common health issues caused by exposure to perchloroethylene

Exposure to perchloroethylene (PCE), commonly used in dry cleaning, is associated with a variety of health issues, both acute and chronic. Here are the most common health problems linked to PCE exposure:
Short-Term Health Issues
Respiratory Problems: Inhalation of PCE vapors can lead to symptom...

20.11.24 06:22 AM - Comment(s)

Health hazards associated with petroleum-based chemicals used in dry cleaning are significant and multifaceted, affecting both workers and customers. The primary chemical of concern in this industry is perchloroethylene (PCE), a volatile organic compound (VOC) widely employed for its effectiven...

20.11.24 06:17 AM - Comment(s)
Get your winter wear and blankets ready within 24 hrs with our express laundry services.

This winter , give your winter wears and blankets the warmth and the love which they need to reciprocate the same.
Your winter wears and your blankets need special care love so that they can shower and reciprocate the same warmth and love throughout the winters and make this pink misty winters even m...

20.11.24 06:09 AM - Comment(s)
How effective is organic dry cleaning compared to traditional methods for removing stains

Organic dry cleaning has been shown to be more effective than traditional dry cleaning methods for removing stains, particularly due to its use of non-toxic solvents and advanced cleaning techniques.
Effectiveness of Organic Dry Cleaning

Stain Removal Efficiency: Organic dry cleaning utilizes eco-fri...

20.11.24 06:06 AM - Comment(s)

Ask Direct Questions

Inquire About Solvents: When you visit or contact a dry cleaner, ask directly if they use PERC in their cleaning process. A reputable establishment should be willing to provide this information.

Request Safety Data Sheets (SDS): These sheets contain detailed information about the ...

04.11.24 09:05 AM - Comment(s)
Why Petroleum Based Inorganic Chemicals are   toxic for humans ?

Petroleum-based chemicals, commonly used in dry cleaning, pose significant health and environmental risks. These solvents, including perchloroethylene (PERC) and various hydrocarbon solvents, are linked to numerous adverse effects on human health and the environment.

Health Risks of Petroleum-Based C...

04.11.24 09:04 AM - Comment(s)

Ask Direct Questions

Inquire About Solvents: When you visit or contact a dry cleaner, ask directly if they use PERC in their cleaning process. A reputable establishment should be willing to provide this information.

Request Safety Data Sheets (SDS): These sheets contain detailed information about the ...

04.11.24 09:00 AM - Comment(s)


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Safer alternatives to petroleum-based chemicals in dry cleaning are increasingly important due to the health and environmental risks associated with tradition...

04.11.24 09:00 AM - Comment(s)
Deep Cleaning? Dont forget these 7 things in your home!

Summer is not only a wonderful time to enjoy the warm weather and the great outdoors, but it is
also a popular season to entertain friends and family. But, as painful as it is to admit, we will most
likely spend most of the summer indoors this year. There are no visitors. In any case, there’s no
01.11.23 12:06 PM - Comment(s)
Importance of Washing and Disinfecting the Garments properly to prevent the spread of COVID19

Amid COVID-19 pandemic people are taking all the necessary precautionary steps, from maintaining a safe distance to regular self and space sanitization, to ensure that one doesn’t get infected by the deadly virus. It has been well known thatCOVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person, who are i...

01.11.23 12:00 PM - Comment(s)
Germs Free – Deep Cleaning Augmented by Artificial Intelligence for Optimized Services & Customer Experience

 by Admin

Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being widely adopted across every sector including the commercial cleaning industry. AI has proven to outsmart the manual functioning and reduce the percentage of ‘human error’ whilst making the process more efficient. Applying of cuttin...

01.11.23 11:55 AM - Comment(s)
Why Millennials love to save time over Cumbersome Jobs, and that includes doing Laundry?

by Admin
Millennials (born between 1980 to present) are famously quoted as a generation, that focuses on ‘Self’ and wants complete control over their lives. They’re incorrectly labeled as lazy, unpredictable, stubborn and lacking satisfaction at work.

The generation is facing insane challenges unlike...

01.11.23 11:52 AM - Comment(s)
A Giant Industry in the making, how tides are about to change for the humble neighbourhood laundries

Time and again you probably have bumped across many riveting detergent advertisements that was hard to escape. But have you ever wondered about the massive scale of this industry. According to market research agency, The Nielsen Company, the market size of fabric cleaning which includes detergents, ...

01.11.23 11:48 AM - Comment(s)
Opportunities for the On-Demand Cleaning and Laundry Services in the Post COVID World

The world is facing a tough time with the Corona virus pandemic, which is posing serious public health challenges and has prompted in lockdown of cities worldwide. The virus is mostly known to be spread through respiratory droplets from person to person but health authorities have cautioned on trans...
01.11.23 11:44 AM - Comment(s)
Baby Laundry: Caring for your babys clothes

The arrival of the little angel fills the house with joy and wonderful energy. The house is full of
happiness and, of course, tiny trinkets strewed about. Everyone is completely engrossed in the care of
the little marvel. Everything is really well taken care of, from the cradle to the toys. Between th...
01.11.23 11:36 AM - Comment(s)
A Clean House for Positive Mental Health and Well-being

The restrictive measure of lockdown or quarantine taken to contain the outbreak of coronavirus has impacted the mental health and well-being of people. The current circumstances of isolation, physical distancing, limited interaction, confinement are resulting into mental health and behavioural issue...

01.11.23 11:29 AM - Comment(s)
How Often Should You Hire Professional Cleaners?

Professional cleaning services provide several health benefits. Timely clean-up maintains your and your house’s health. Whether you are shifting to a new apartment or living in your own built home, finding the right cleaning service can keep your shelter free from dust and contri...

01.11.23 11:00 AM - Comment(s)

