Where to start
- Hands should be disinfected and cleaned – Remember that the human hand is a source ofbacteria, so completely sterilise and wash your hands before handling your baby’s garments.
- Take a temperature reading of the water – It is critical to check the water temperature whenwashing baby garments. Extreme heat can damage the integrity of your baby’s clothes,producing rips and tears, and it can also cause you to burn your hands.
- Use a non-chemical, eco-friendly detergent – Keep in mind that your physique is verydifferent from that of your new born. Using normal detergents on your baby’s skin mightharm it, trigger allergic responses, and even cut it. Make sure to choose a detergent that hasbeen approved for use on baby skin, as well as one that is non-toxic and environmentallyfriendly.
- Soak before and after the wash – Bacteria can build up before a wash, so soak your baby’sclothes in hot water for 30 minutes before washing, then wash and soak in warm waterafterward to ensure you kill the majority of bacteria.
- Dry your baby’s clothes – It’s critical that you make sure your baby’s garments are totally dry.If possible, dry in the sun, but don’t put damp clothing on your baby because it can promotefungal infectionsWhile hand washing your baby’s clothes is advised, it can be time consuming and demanding. Hereare a few ideas for machine washing your baby’s clothes for parents who are unable to hand washtheir baby’s garments.
.Machine-Washing Instructions for Your Baby’s Clothes
- Wash the baby’s clothes before you wash yours – Because washing machines may be abreeding ground for germs, make sure the baby’s clothes are washed first. This will preventsome of the bacteria from your clothes from spreading to theirs.
- Pre-soak with soap – Putting a half cup of baby’s detergent to a bucket of 35°C water andsoaking it for half an hour before adding it to the machine is a terrific method to ensure thatthe clothing runs a full cycle.
- Run the rinse cycle two times – to ensure that the soap is completely gone from the fabricand the bacteria is wiped away. The second spin and rinse cycle should just use water andshould be done once with soap and once without soap or detergent in the washing machine.Remember to consult your doctor for more information and advice on how to wash baby clothes inthe washing machine.
- Identifying and pre-cleaning dangerous stains is the first step in disinfecting your baby’sgarments. This is critical because most stains are protein-based, such as meat or breast milk,and protein attracts the bacteria that are the most hazardous. This must be completedbefore soaking. Scrub the stains using a disinfecting baby detergent, which can be purchasedat most pharmacies.
- Remove any drool, snot, or other bodily fluid with a scraper. This is due to the fact that, likeprotein stains, body fluid contains dangerous germs. This can also be a breeding habitat formicroorganisms that have previously made your infant sick.
- Scrub well with a disinfectant-containing, baby-safe detergent. This should be done before you soak your baby’s clothes.Soak in white wine vinegar first. White wine vinegar is a natural disinfectant that has beendemonstrated to work. Remember to combine a cap or two of white wine vinegar with agallon of water, then soak the garments for 30 minutes before washing.Or you could just sit back and relax, and let the professionals do their job. We, at Cleanomatics, are ateam of highly skilled professionals who take the job very seriously. Thousands of parents trust theirchildren’s clothes with us as we ensure the highest safety and care. Contact us today to know moreabout our laundry services and dry-cleaning services.