The generation is facing insane challenges unlike other generations, that don’t fully understand the implication of these real “Millennial Problems. The rent is incredibly high, keeping up with the latest social media trends can be exhausting, and they’re supposed to set up the perfect balance between work, life, hobbies, and keeping up the apartment from becoming a complete and utter mess. When we say the struggle is real, I mean it is all too real, and Laundry is one of the biggest things millennials hate more than anything.
The baby boomers (born between1946 and 1964) seem to forget that every older generation casts aspersions on the young folks, shaking their heads at how things change and reminiscing over the “good old days. The skills in sewing, hemming, button repair and general laundry knowledge are gradually decreased with each generation, with Millennials the weakest of the bunch.
On-demand laundry service is flourishing in India and is keeping a keen eye on curbing the pain points of the largest and most influential, brainiest and best-educated generation to date. They’re presenting easy-to-use, convenient, & affordable service that saves you the pain of doing laundry
What is it about laundry that Millennials hate?
1) Washing is a cumbersome process. When done at home it involves a certain amount of time and labor even when done with the help of a washing machine. The time that millennials spend on doing laundry can be used for other tasks of importance in their lives. Time remains a major constrain in the life of a working person hence to save time on-demand laundry service proves to be beneficial for Millennials.
2) Reducing the size of Families. Another major reason most of the millennials are switching to on-demand laundry services instead of In House laundry is that the size of the family is small which means the number of clothes will be less. Reduce in size of the family also meant that a huge investment in the washing machine and dries are not justified because of small family size. This also means that millennials don’t have enough time for laundry and no one in the family could help them out in the laundry.
3) Erratic Power and Water Supply: The supply of power and water is also another major reason why millennials prefer on-demand laundry instead of in-house laundry. The cost factor involved also plays a major role in this decision.
4) Affordable. The on-demand laundry service is affordable as compared to the already available Dry cleaning service which charges heavily based on the type of clothes. The affordability of On-Demand laundry makes it a viable option for the millennial.
5) Daily pick up and drop is not convenient. As it is widely known millennials want everything served on the plate hence going to laundry daily is a hassle and on-demand laundry service solves this problem of daily pickup and drop.